
Thank you for sharing our special day with us. Our celebration wouldn't be the same without our closest family and friends.
We hope this website will be useful in answering any questions you may have about the wedding, the ceremony and anything related.

If you have any questions please let us know.



Friends and Family that have been at our sides for the whole ride.

Heidi Hao 郝昊

I met Heidi in Middle School. We've grown up together through the years. She's always been there whenever I've needed her. I trust her implicitly. Even though we aren't able to spend as much time as we used to. I still treasure the times we are able to talk. She knows me better than I know myself.

Jessie Zhuang 庄晓慧

During my first trip to the US, I met Jessie at the gate in Beijing Airport. I feel very lucky to have made a close friend right away. We ended up being both classmates and roommates during graduate school. Jessie is the sweetest, kindest, most considerate friend you could ask for. She's also one of the cleanest people I know. Too bad it didn't rub off on me.

Patricia Bu 卜叶子

In college Patricia and I shared bunkbeds. I was top bunk, she was bottom. Clearly she has the patience of a saint, putting up with me. Our personalities match so well, we laugh at the same jokes, even on our own. It's Patricia's fault that I read entirely too many novels online.

Sonny Chhen

What Sonny calls "doodles" most people would consider Art. The guy oozes creativity, and can sell anything to anyone. He also probably knows more about me than either of us would care to admit. Been through hell and back with this guy. Proof that not all family is blood.

Roger Perez

It's entirely possible that Roger was the first person I ever met in San Diego. One of my most genuine guys I know. It's almost impossible to be bored if Roger is around. Roger and I have raced together, blasted things with radiation, and taught together. More than once Roger has dropped everything to help me out when I've been in a bind.

Dan Anthony Alcantara

Probably my best dressed cousin, by far. He's remarked more than once at my fashion sense. Apparently shoes from 2001 are no longer acceptable? Growing up, Dan and I had similar interests. It was always great having someone to bounce ideas off of, and discuss the latest thing you learned. Plus it's always great to have someone around that will tell you that your idea is bad and you should feel bad about it.

Rui Xiang 项瑞

Rui (Pang Pang) and I were also roommates in college. She's very observant, which is strange because she's also the most likely to run into the furniture. She's also the most thoughtful, sending holiday gifts to my parents because she knew I wasn't there to spend the holidays with them. Sometimes I think my parents like her more than me.

Jingwei Ma 马婧韡

Jingwei and I have known each other since before I can remember. I've been told we met during pre-school. She is the glue that holds our circle together. Most gatherings/reunions begin with a WeChat message from her. She's a great reason to go back home. Also great is the bag of street-food she always brings.

Jasmine Hou 侯静

Jasmine and I met in college. She was always up for some Karaoke. Unlike me, she can actually sing very well. Jasmine is always up for going out, especially when you need someone to help keep your mind off things. She always brightens up my day with a funny cat picture, or random video.

Beejay Feliciano

Kuya Beejay has been my older brother since I was born. Learned so much from this guy. Literally the smartest person I know. Growing up, my parents would inevitably compare me to him. I can't think of anyone I'd rather be compared to. Also if memory serves, he could do a mean tootsie roll in his younger days.

Steven Diaz

Steve is a master craftsman. Steve can figure anything out, and then fabricate it. Then he can make it move. Then he can make it play the Super Mario Theme song. He'll do it all, in his garage, with spare parts. Yes, he's basically Tony Stark. He also has an awesome Gnome Dance. Bears.

Jojo Feliciano

Kuya Jojo is an amazing cook. I don't know how Ate Marissa isn't 20 pounds heavier. He (along with Ate) are also great photographers. They're the ones that first taught me about composition and how to take not-so-crappy photos.

Rachelle Feliciano

Rachelle is one of the strongest women I know. She can literally hang off tall mountains with her fingertips. We first bonded over our love of Naruto! I've always wanted a sister. Rachelle is Ron's sister, but now she's mine as well!

Jason Alcantara

A fun memory I have is when Jason and I were shooting each other with rubber band guns. It was fun, until I hit him in the face. Jason and I spent countless hours playing when we were young, even though most of the time someone ended up crying. It was great having someone who would do the dumb stuff with you. Though sometimes I'm surprised we didn't more seriously hurt ourselves. Haha

Wedding Timeline

Green Gables Wedding Estate

134 Woodland Pkwy, San Marcos, CA 92069

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Plenty of Free Parking is available at the wedding venue.

Please arrive at 3:30PM for Ceremony.

Reception begins after ceremony at same location

The ceremony will be outdoor, it shouldn't be too hot but we suggest sunscreen and sunglasses at least.
Reception will be under a canopy, so it will be no problem.


We would appreciate if everyone could reply by July 30th!


We realize many of you are traveling a great distance to the wedding, so please don’t feel obligated to buy us a wedding gift!

Having you celebrate with us is the best present we could receive!!

But if you'd really like to get us a gift, here are links to our registry at Crate and Barrel and Amazon.

Also, we've included quite a few Amazon Gift Cards in our registry in $25-$100 increments, for those who would rather not try to find something to get from the registry.

Hotel Recommendation

We suggest the DoubleTree Del Mar for those who need accommodations.
It is about 15 minutes from our house, 35 minutes from the venue, and about 5 minutes from the water.
DoubleTree has graciously blocked off a number of rooms for our guest, at a great rate.

The link below will take you to the reservations page, and apply the correct rate.

Unfortunately the link has expired. Hopefully everyone was able to get their reservations in.


Green Gables Wedding Estate

134 Woodland Pkwy, San Marcos, CA 92069